How to claim

Claiming with CBHS Corporate Health is fast, simple and efficient, because we’ve made easy and stress-free claiming one of our top priorities for members.

1. Claim on the spot

If your service provider has HICAPS or iSOFT facilities, just present your CBHS Corporate Health membership card and the benefit will be automatically deducted from the total fee. If you visit a Choice Network provider for dental or optical service, you may even have no out of pocket expense to pay.

2. Claim online

Members who claim online typically receive their benefits within 1-2 business days.

Claim online by logging on to the CBHS Corporate Health Member Centre and following these five easy steps:

  1. Enter the Provider Number and choose the Service Type
  2. Confirm your benefit payment details, so we know where to send the money
  3. Enter your claim and review the benefit amount (for web claimable items)
  4. Upload your receipts (even on most mobile devices!) 
  5. Submit your claim

The eClaims system will provide a benefit amount for web-claimable items and, once your receipts have been received, our claims team will confirm the exact benefit amount you will receive for other items. 

Claiming rules

The CBHS Corporate Health claiming rules and the terms of use for online claiming are available during the eClaims process in the CBHS Corporate Health Member Centre. If you have any questions regarding claiming, please call our Member Care team on 1300 586 462.

  • Time limitation - Claims need to be lodged with CBHS Corporate Health within 2 years of the date of service provision.
  • Detailed receipts - Receipts should be itemised rather than simply showing a total sum for the services or goods. Receipts should contain basic information, including the date the service occurred, the full name, address and telephone details of the person providing the service/treatment or goods ; a description of the service/treatment/goods; the full name of the person receiving the service/treatment/goods.
  • Freight charges - Service fees that are raised for freight charges cannot be claimed for.
  • Payment - The fee should have been paid in full.
  • Services you can claim - You can claim online for chiropractic, podiatry, pharmaceutical, dietary services, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology, optical, dental, speech therapy and osteopathy services.

What if the receipt is insufficient?

If your receipts don’t fulfil the guidelines stated on the claiming rules, we may return the receipt to you and ask for a more detailed receipt. If you’re unsure if the receipt is sufficient, you can still forward your claim to us manually. We will review it to see whether benefits can be paid, and proceed with the claim.

Other documentation

  • Claims for artificial aids and health care appliances should be accompanied by a doctor’s referral, which will remain valid for 3 years.
  • Claims for contraceptives for non-contraceptive purposes - this type of claim should also include a doctor’s referral, which will remain valid for 1 year.
  • Claims for health management services - claims for health management services (e.g. Gym Membership) can sometimes be made. Please call 1300 586 462 for more information.

Hospital and medical claims

Note that your hospital will bill CBHS Corporate Health directly for everything except for any excess that you pay (if applicable).

For medical claims, a doctor who participates in an Access Gap Cover agreement might also bill CBHS Corporate Health directly. If your medical practitioner does not participate in an Access Gap Cover arrangement, you should submit your medical claim to Medicare first. Complete a Medicare two-way claim form and they will forward your claim to us to process the remaining benefit, where payable.

More information

If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us directly on 1300 586 462 or by sending an email to