What are my details used for?
The information provided on this form, and your customer details generated by CBHS Corporate Health, will be used to provide you with health insurance services (including for benefit payment, entitlements and audit purposes), to administer your customer account, to communicate with you and to identify customers who may benefit from chronic disease management programs or hospital-substitute treatment. To enable us to do these things, we may disclose this information to people or bodies who provide services to CBHS Corporate Health. Where you receive treatment from a Hospital or Provider contracted to CBHS Corporate Health, we may provide them with your cover details to enable them to fulfil their obligations to you under the contract.
You may request access to your information and ask that it be corrected by contacting us. If you do not provide us with the information sought, we may be unable to provide you with health insurance services.
The CBHS Corporate Health Privacy Policy sets out, in detail, the ways in which CBHS Corporate Health may collect, use or disclose your personal information from time-to-time.